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Jumat, 06 Maret 2009


Fatwa Syaikh Shalih bin Muhammad Al Luhaidan

Ketua Majlis Qadha' A'la (Saudi Arabia)

(di ambil dr situs SALAFY.OR.ID, Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2006)

Penanya: "Syaikh, kami memiliki beberapa pertanyaan. Kami minta izin kepada Anda untuk menyebarkannya."

Pertama ada pertanyaan yang berbunyi :

"Kami mendengar di sebagian media adanya celaan kepada negeri kita ini (Saudi ) dan pemerintahnya, khususnya di akhir-akhir ini. Hal ini terjadi setelah (kejadian) Israel menyerang Libanon. Beberapa komentar sangat kelewatan hingga mereka menjadikan negara Saudi, Israel dan Amerika adalah satu kelompok. Semuanya kafir dan saling berwala' (berloyalitas).

Maka apa komentar anda, sebab kami mengetahui bagaimana pemerintah kami mencintai Islam dan kaum Muslimin? (Pemerintah kami) juga mendakwahkan Islam yang benar lagi murni, bahkan diantara mereka (pemerintah) dan para ulama saling memberi nasihat dan musyawarah dalam agama.

Maka jawab beliau:

Kekufuran itu adalah kalimat klasik yang biasa mereka lontarkan. Yang mereka ucapkan tidak lain adalah dusta. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa kerajaan Saudi Arabia adalah yang menjadi target untuk diganggu oleh Amerika… Bukankah mereka telah menekan lembaga-lembaga sosial dan berambisi untuk menghentikan dan membekukan bantuan (kaum muslimin untuk muslimin).

(Amerika) menghalangi usaha-usaha baik mereka (Arab Saudi) –semoga Allah melenyapkan kepongahannya (Amerika) dan menghancurkan kekuatannya-. Bukankah mereka menuduh para pembesar (negeri ini) bahwa mereka mendanai terorisme?! Yaitu apa yang mereka salurkan berupa sedekah untuk orang-orang fakir dari kaum muslimin dan yang mereka perbantukan kepada yayasan-yayasan sosial dalam mengajarkan ilmu.

Maka yang mengatakan bahwa Saudi bersama Yahudi dan Amerika, tidak lain hal itu diucapkan oleh orang yang di hatinya ada kedengkian terhadap aqidah ini dan para pembawa serta pembelanya. Kedengkian-kedengkian itu hanya akan menjerumuskan pelakunya ke lembah kehinaan dan kejelekan.

Tidak diragukan lagi… bahwa di dunia Islam tidak ada negara yang bisa memberikan bantuan melalui badan-badan dan lembaga-lembaga sosial seperti yang dilakukan oleh negara ini , baik atas nama pemerintah ataupun pribadi.

Saya tidak suka kalau disebut "Israil (yang membantai-pent)", sebab Israil adalah nama lain dari Nabi Allah, Ya'qub alaihissalam. Adapun mereka, (yang membantai), adalah famili para babi dan monyet…
Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa mereka adalah Yahudi, bukan Israil. Tapi mereka menggunakan nama itu. Kemudian menjadi kesalahan dari ummat ini, baik itu negara Islam atau yang menjadikan Islam sebagai simbolnya menamakan mereka dengan nama Israil.

Negara Yahudi menamakan dirinya dengan Israil, yakni di atas dasar keyahudian.Dan tidak diragukan lagi bahwa setiap orang yang berakal di dunia ini, apakah dari Nashrani di Barat ataupun orang kafir di Timur, melainkan dia tahu bahwa Amerika sangat gigih untuk melecehkan dunia Islam - diantaranya termasuk Arab Saudi-.

Namun – dengan pertolongan Allah sajalah - dikarenakan kita berpegang teguh kepada agama kita yang benar dan kita menggigitnya - dengan gigi geraham kita - secara jujur, serta kita mengikhlaskan amal kita untuk Allah. Maka Allah menolong hamba-hambanya yang beriman. Tidak ada penyebab terlambat datangnya pertolongan Allah melainkan karena kehinaan hamba-hamba-Nya tersebut, yakni disaat mereka menyia-nyiakan agamanya.

Maka kita mohon kepada Allah agar menampakkan kekuasaan-Nya -dengan segera tanpa ditunda- atas Amerika yang akan membahagiakan kaum mukminin…Iya."

Penanya: "Jazakallahu khairan, Syaikh."

Ada penanya berkata:

"Syaikh Shalih bin Muhammad Al Luhaidan yang mulia, semoga Allah menjaga Anda dan membimbing Anda. Tidak tersamarkan atas Anda berbagai kondisi yang dialami kaum muslimin di dunia Islam, terjadi berbagai fitnah dan peperangan. Khususnya peperangan yang terjadi antara Yahudi dan kelompok Hizbullah yang merupakan kelompok Syi'ah di Libanon. Maka apa sikap seorang muslim terhadap peperangan ini?

Sebab kita mendengar adanya ajakan untuk berjihad bersama mereka dan mendo'akan kemenangan untuk mereka ketika qunut. Kaum muslimin menjadi bingung terhadap hal ini. Maka apa pengarahan dari Anda?"


"Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa kelompok yang menamakan dirinya dengan Hizbullah (kelompok Allah-pent) adalah Hizbur Rafidhah (kelompok rafidhah). Dan Rafidhah telah diketahui (kesesatannya-pent) dan telah diketahuinya (sesatnya) manhaj metode mereka. Hakikat mereka adalah mereka menganggap mayoritas Ahlus Sunna, (bahwa-pent) semua Ahlus Sunnah adalah orang kafir. Inilah mereka dan perkara ini tidaklah samar bagi orang yang menelaah buku-buku mereka.

Maka kita berlindung kepada Allah, jika kebenaran menolong dan membela mereka serta membantu mereka, hal itu akan membuat mereka semakin kuat. (Ingatlah) mereka bagian dari Iran. Tidak ragu lagi (benarnya-pent). Hanya saja ucapan pemimpin Mesir, bahwa Syi'ah yang ada di negara itu berbeda dengan Iran. Sesungguhnya kecondongan dan Iman mereka bersama Iran.

Namun manusia jika mereka ditimpa musibah, hendaknya mereka berusaha untuk mengobatinya dengan apa yang tepat dijadikan sebagai obat berbagai kondisi tersebut.

Adapun apa yang menimpa Libanon secara umum, kalau tidak bisa dikatakan semua, dalangnya adalah kelompok ini. Mereka yang menamakan dirinya dengan kelompok Allah (Hizbullah), sebenarnya mereka adalah Hizbusy Syaithon (Kelompok/Partai Setan) ! Sekian.



What is the Islamic ruling concerning a Christian man marrying a Muslim women? If they have children, what is the ruling concerning those children in Islamic law?


The marriage of a Christian man to a Muslim women is an invalid marriage. Allah says in the Qur’aan:

''And give not [Muslim women] in marriage to idolaters until they believe.” (Surah al- Baqarah: 221).

Therefore it is not allowed for a disbeliever to marry a Muslim woman. Allah also says,

'' They the Muslim women are not lawful for them [the disbelievers] nor are they [the disbelievers] lawful for them.” (Surah al- Mumtahana:10)

If he does marry her the marriage is invalid. The children are the children of fornication. They are to be given to the mother and ascribed to her alone – unless that was done out of ignorance concerning such law. For ignorant people the matter is different. In their case their marriage is still invalid. However, the children will be ascribed to the father since the act was done out of ignorance. That is, if he was ignorant of the law and she was also, the marriage is still invalid but the children will be ascribed to their parents due to their ignorance and there was some doubtful aspect to the intercourse. But if he knew the Islamic ruling and she knew the Islamic ruling and they wee being lax and disrespectful of the law of Allah, then the children are the children of fornication. They will be ascribed to their mother and will not be ascribed to their father at all.

The couple should be reprimanded and the penal punishment should be enforced upon him for having intercourse with Muslim women when he did not have the legal right to do so. This is what must be done if the Islamic state has the ability to do it. If he becomes muslim after that and Allah guides him, then he can marry her with a new contract.

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women - Darussalam Pg. 172-173



What is the ruling on having anal intercourse? And is there any atonement incumbent upon one who does so?


Anal intercourse with a woman is a major sin and a repugnant act of disobedience, according to the confirmed narration from the Prophet - Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam - in which he said: Allah will not look at a man who had sex with a man or women in the anus. (1)

It is incumbent upon one who does that to hasten to repent to Allah. That means to abandon the sin and leave it in glorification of Allah and in order to avoid His Punishment. He must also show remorse for what has passed of that (sin) and to make the honest intention not to repeat it, along with an effort to perform many good deeds.

And whoever repents honestly to Allah, Allah will turn to him with forgiveness and pardon his sins, as He says: And Verily, I am indeed forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them (till his death)(2)

He, the Almighty, the All-Powerful says: And those who invoke not any other ilah (god) along with Allah, nor kill such persons as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse ý and whoever does this shall receive the punishment . the torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace, Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds, for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.(3)

The Prophet - Sallallahu alaihi wasallam - said: Islam wipes out what was before it, and emigration wipes out what was before it. (4) The Verse and Hadiths bearing this meaning are numerous. There is no atonement for one who has anal intercourse, according to the most correct of two opinions held by the scholars. Nor does his wife become forbidden to him due to it, rather she remains in his custody. She should not obey him in this great sin; rather she should prevent him from doing so and seek an annulment of her marriage if he does not repent. We ask Allah to protect us from that.


1.At-Tirmithi no 1165 and An-Nasai no 9001

2. Ta-Ha 20:82

3. Al-Furqan 68-70

4. Muslim no 121 and Ahmed 4/199

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah DARUSSALAM Vol: 5 page no 447



How should the Sick person Purify Himself ?


1. The sick person is required to purify himself with water, performing ablution from minor impurity and Ghusl from major impurity.

2. If he is unable to purify himself using water, due to weakness or fear of increasing his illness, or delaying his recovery, then he may perform Tayammum.

3. The way to perform Tayammum is to strike the clean earth with his hands once, then wipe his whole face with them, then wipe his hands, one with the other.

4. If he is unable to purify himself, then another person should assist him in making ablution, or performing Tayammum.

5. If a certain part of the body which is to be purified is afflicted by a wound, he should wash it with water, but if washing it with water will cause harm to him, then he may wet his hand with water and then wipe over it, If wiping over it may also cause harm, then he may he may perform Tayammum for it.

6. If he has a server fracture in any of his limbs, which is covered with a dressing or cast, he may wipe over it with water, instead of washing it, and it does not require Tayammum, because the wiping takes the place of washing.

7. It is permissible to make Tayammum using a wall, or anything else which is clean and contains dust. If the wall is covered with anything which is not from the earth, such as paint, then one should not make Tayammum with it, unless there is dust over it.

8. If the Tayammum is not made on the earth or a wall or anything else containing dust, there no objection to the collecting of dust in a container or a handkerchief, in order to make Tayammum with it.

9. If a person performs Tayammum for prayer, and remains in a purified state until the time of the next prayer, then he may pray with Tayammum he made before and he does not need to repeat it for a second prayer, since he remains purified and nothing has invalidated it.

10. The sick person is obliged to cleanse his body of all manner of pollution, but if he is unable to do so, he may pray as he is, and his prayer will be correct and he does not need to repeat it.

11. The sick person is required to pray in clean clothes, and if they become soiled, they must be washed or replaced with clean ones. If this is not possible, he may pray as he is, and his prayer will be correct and he is not required to repeat it.

12. The sick person is obliged to pray upon something clean, and if it becomes soiled, he must wash it, change it for something clean or cover it with something clean. If he is unable to do so, he may pray there and his prayer will be correct and he will not be obliged to repeat it.

13. It is not permissible for the invalid to delay his prayer until a later time due to his inability to achieve purification, rather, he should purify himself as much as he is able, then perform the prayer on time, even if there is some pollution on his body, his clothes or his place of prayer, which he is unable to remove.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen Fatawa Islamiyah, page 25 Vol: 2